What Are the Advantages of Using Serial Data Cabling?

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What Are the Advantages of Using Serial Data Cabling?

17 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

While some data cabling jobs work best with Ethernet or fibre optic cables, serial cabling remains a good option in some situations. How does serial cabling work? What are its benefits?

What Is Serial Data Cabling?

Serial data cables transmit data in sequence, one bit at a time. They use a single channel of communication, such as a single wire or pair of connected wires.

These systems use transmitting and receiving devices. The cable between the two translates signals into data to build a system.

Why Use Serial Data Cabling?

While serial data systems can look simplistic compared to more complex systems, this option has been used successfully for a long time. If you don't need a complex data cabling set-up, then this is a cost-effective solution.

Your technician can build a serial network a lot faster. These systems have fewer components and parts, so they are easier to build. You'll spend less on equipment and installation costs.

Serial data cabling also has some long-distance benefits you won't get from alternative systems. The cables used in these builds can transmit data over longer distances without suffering from signal degradation problems. If your data system covers some distance, this could be the most efficient and effective solution.

These data cabling networks also work well if you have a lot of noise around your system. They use differential signalling which reduces the effects of local interference and electrical noise. You won't lose data transmission here; your cables should be able to work in difficult conditions.

You might also want to install a new serial system if you want to connect older devices which won't work so well on more advanced modern systems. Serial cabling can connect a range of devices including older machines and pieces of equipment that use serial protocols.

Serial data cabling is also usually easier and cheaper to maintain than Ethernet or fibre optic systems. You aren't dealing with a lot of parts here, so you'll run into fewer problems down the line.

Plus, it's easier to diagnose faults that only have limited causes. You can make repairs and replace cables on your system faster so that your network doesn't have too much downtime. Your repairs will be cheaper because your cabling uses fewer complex parts, and your system will cost less to run.

To find out if a serial system is the best option for your data transmission needs, ask data cabling companies for advice.