How to Avoid Problems When Using Generators

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Business Advice: Electrical Inspections

If you own a business, you will understand that you cannot operate without power. If your electricity supply fails, you will not be able to operate your computer, your cash register or the air conditioning and lighting systems. That is why it is so important to have the electrical system in your business checked and repaired from time to time. I didn't know the first thing about the wiring and fuse boxes in my office until I called in a professional electrician. He made sure that everything was working as it should be. I am really happy and I wanted to pass on some advice to other business owners.


How to Avoid Problems When Using Generators

6 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Inexperienced homeowners may make mistakes that can cause serious injuries or damage to appliances when they are using generators. Below are tips on how you can avoid accidents when using a generator in your residence.

Always Refuel Properly

You should never refuel your generator when its engine is running. Instead, switch the engine off and let it cool before you start topping it up with fuel. This precaution will avert any fire that could have started if there is a fuel leakage.

Check the Voltage Selector

Many generators are capable of providing current at different voltage levels, such as 120 volts or 240 volts. The desired voltage can be selected using a voltage selector on the control panel of the generator. Always check this selector so that you confirm that your appliances will receive the appropriate current flowing at the right voltage once the generator starts running. This will protect your appliances from being damaged by incorrect voltage settings.

Use the Circuit Breaker Appropriately

It is also a good habit to turn the circuit breaker of your generator off before you start it. Why is this important? The generator may not start running smoothly for a few moments after it has been started. The electricity flowing through the circuits may, therefore, damage your appliances due to instability during those initial moments after starting up the generator. Only turn the circuit breaker on once you have allowed the generator to run for a minute or so. It is also advisable to turn the breaker off just before you switch off your generator so that you protect your appliances from the irregular current as the generator is turned off.

Check the Installation Site

Never start your generator until you have ascertained that its installation location is firm, dry and well ventilated. Moisture can trigger an electrical short circuit if it finds its way into the wiring or components of the generator. Poorly ventilated locations can also expose your family to toxic fumes from the combustion of fuel in the generator's engine. Installation pads that are not firm can cause the generator to shift due to the vibrations that take place while it is running. Such shifting/movement can stretch and damage the wiring attached to the generator.

It is advisable for you to get help from experienced electrical contractors when you are installing a generator for the first time. Experts can ensure that you do not make a mistake that will compromise the electrical system of your home.