Should You Move Power Lines Underground as Part of Your Remodel?

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Business Advice: Electrical Inspections

If you own a business, you will understand that you cannot operate without power. If your electricity supply fails, you will not be able to operate your computer, your cash register or the air conditioning and lighting systems. That is why it is so important to have the electrical system in your business checked and repaired from time to time. I didn't know the first thing about the wiring and fuse boxes in my office until I called in a professional electrician. He made sure that everything was working as it should be. I am really happy and I wanted to pass on some advice to other business owners.


Should You Move Power Lines Underground as Part of Your Remodel?

23 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Office complexes undergoing remodels can be upgraded completely, with the latest plumbing and wiring added to make the buildings as safe as can be. One thing owners of older complexes should consider is having the exterior power cables redone and installed underground. Newer complexes are already required to use underground cables, while older ones can retain their overhead lines if the owners prefer, but if your complex is undergoing a remodel, here's your chance to see if moving the cables underground is the right move.

It Would Look Better and Be Safer in General

Moving power cables underground will look better and be safer for you and anyone who enters the office complex. No more worries about cables snapping and falling, tree branches breaking in storms and destroying the cables or about bored kids throwing things like shoes tied by their laces up onto the lines. In terms of general day-to-day life, moving power cables underground is one of the better changes you can make when remodelling your complex.

Repairs Would Be More Intrusive and Inconvenient

Anything underground needs to be dug up, or a trench created around it, in order for repairs to be completed. That includes underground power cables, and that's going to be more disruptive to anyone in the area than repairs done to overhead lines. Remember that the cables may have to pass under car parks, landscaping, nearby roads and more that would require demolition and reconstruction if the cables needed work. If you're willing to deal with those disruptions because newer cables should have fewer issues, then placing the lines underground might be fine — but remember that over time, the cables may need more and more repairs.

The Cables Would Not Be Protected From Flood Damage

And in fact, they could add to the danger, at least for a short time. Underground cables might not be affected by a small, localised street flood that subsides quickly and that doesn't soak the ground. However, severe floods that linger and that carry away topsoil could eventually reach the cables, damaging them and causing loss of power. What's worse is that, if the electricity is still running through the cables as the floodwaters start to damage them, the water itself could conduct electricity to anyone trying to get out of the floodwaters. You'd think people wouldn't be in those waters after that long, but those who've been trapped in homes or who are trying to retrieve items could face an electrocution risk if cities have not acted to shut off the power.

Take a look at potential designs for underground power supplies to your complex. Ask your electrician about power installation and how long it will take when digging and trenching are taken into account. This is a big decision, and the electrician can help you reach a sensible conclusion.