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Business Advice: Electrical Inspections

If you own a business, you will understand that you cannot operate without power. If your electricity supply fails, you will not be able to operate your computer, your cash register or the air conditioning and lighting systems. That is why it is so important to have the electrical system in your business checked and repaired from time to time. I didn't know the first thing about the wiring and fuse boxes in my office until I called in a professional electrician. He made sure that everything was working as it should be. I am really happy and I wanted to pass on some advice to other business owners.


Common AC Problems and How to Deal With Them

30 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Regardless of how often you clean and maintain your air conditioner, it is bound to encounter electrical or mechanical problems along the way. Recognizing what these problems are can clarify what a technician is talking about when discussing the solutions to these problems. Below is an overview of the most common air conditioner problems.  Faulty wiring Haphazard, uncertified and semi-skilled installation of an air conditioner is risky and a possible fire hazard. Read More …

Electrical Safety: Simple Tips to Avoid an Overload in Your Electrical Power Points

29 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Overloading a power point can cause your circuit breaker to keep on tripping or even present the risk of an electrical hazard in the home. An overload occurs when the devices plugged into an outlet or power strip exceed the maximum amperage that the specific circuit is designed to handle. Overloading can cause electrical fires and create an unexpected disaster in your home. To prevent this, you need to understand which devices to plug in where and how many appliances can go into one power strip in the house. Read More …

2 Signs an Old Property Needs to Be Rewired

29 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are planning to purchase an older property, you may be making a list of renovation work which needs to be carried out on the building before you move in. This will often include replacing appliances, laying new carpets and repairing damage to the walls. However, your list may overlook one vital part of the property - the electrical system. The majority of the electrical wires in a building are hidden beneath the floor and within the wall space, which makes it very easy to forget about them. Read More …

3 Types of Mining: Why You Need to Hire an Electrical Contractor

27 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Mining is one of the leading industries in Western Australia and is now estimated to be worth $94.8 billion. If you are planning to start a new mining operation, you will first need to establish the type of mining operation is most suitable to extract the coal, minerals or other valuable assets from the ground. Below is a guide to 3 types of mining operations and the equipment you will need to perform each one. Read More …